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Max-Planck-Schule Kiel
Max-Planck-Schule Kiel

Emerging Technologies

The topic of science and technology encouraged the graduation course Q2 En3 to simulate an academic poster session. During the reception the posters and presentations of Hannah Wibrow, Yannik Henning and Siri Anderssohn were recognised as outstanding and received awards.

 Under the guiding term of emerging technologies the course devoted three weeks of research, conceptualisation and design to create posters which covered a range of topics from male contraception, energy consumption, artificial intelligence to agricultural inventions. The aim of the poster session was to inform and to give an outlook of potential benefits and thus to create an awareness for the importance of science and scientific work to tackle global challenges. The presentation was public to other graduating courses and was well attended. Not only were students be able to raise the impact of their works, they also could experience a university like setting.

Many students took the opportunity to shine with their products. Three posters were identified by audience and committee to be outstanding: We congratulate the winners 1. Hannah Wibrow (Biosphere 2), 2. Yannik Henning (Nuclear Fusion) and 3. Siri Anderssohn (Floating Farms) to their distinguishing works. They received prices in form of movie tickets. 

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Bühne frei für das White Horse Theatre!

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